The Wizarding Realm Wiki

Wandlore, in it's simplest form, is the branch of magic concerned with the history, abilities and actions of wands. Wands are semi-sentient magical items made of wood that are used by magical folk to cast spells. Wizards who craft and study wands are called wandmakers. They often set up shop and sell wands to young magical people.

This artisan craft is incredibly complex because wands are mysterious creations that are almost alive in themselves. As the popular phrase goes, "the wand chooses the wizard." Wands are believed to be able to think and feel. They can betray their master, choose their master, and change masters. They are not just sticks of wood to wave about as one pleases.

It is pointless to attempt understanding the mysterious mythology of wands. Even the most skilled wandmakers still cannot explain all the quirks and mystery lurking around the subject. It is best to simply accept that they are a work of profound art.

Wandlore Chapters

Getting A Wand

Each character's wand is custom made by one of our site's Wand Moderators. They take into consideration your character's personality and answers on the Wand Application, choose a wand wood and core that they feel fits best, and write out a small paragraph of your new wand's personality.

Your character does not need to have their wand made before they can start using spells, and you may put off getting a wand for as long as you want. Those who want a little more detail about what sort of wand they have may enjoy signing up to receive one.
